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Why and How to Hire Anyone Anywhere in the World

14 Nov 2024
Seminar Theatre 16

If going global isn’t in your business growth plan it’s time to add it. Remote work and digitalisation mean you can hire talented individuals to scale your business in global markets with high demand for your service. 


Global hiring headaches should no longer be an excuse. To help you out, in this seminar Workwell Global will share their expertise on crucial aspects of global employment. Learn:


  • Why you should scale your business globally 

  • How you can hire anyone anywhere with Workwell Global as your Employer of Record 

  • The importance of employment law compliance in your target market and how to successfully navigate this 

  • Best practice and tips to start scaling your business globally – From testing out global markets from afar and typical roles Workwell Global see clients hire first to build out their global offering.

Greetje Brosens, Chief Sales and Revenue Officer - Workwell Global