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A Soul Behind the Hustle: Humanity as a Secret Skill

14 Nov 2024

Amidst the symphony of AI whispers, the endless pings of emails, the virtual waltzes across time zones, it's easy to forget what truly makes us human. I fondly recall a time when the world spun at a gentler pace, a time devoid of 5 AM serenades from APAC and 10 PM lullabies from the West Coast. My dear brain, it remembers those halcyon days with crystal clarity, for it was never schooled in the art of perpetual connectivity, nor do I believe it ever shall be. Perhaps Generation Alpha, those digital natives, will prove more adept at navigating this brave new world, but I confess, I harbour a healthy dose of scepticism. After all, evolution is not renowned for its breakneck speed.

We are, at our core, beautifully human. And this simple truth often escapes us as we navigate the complexities of hiring, collaboration, and international expansion. Allow me to regale you with three tales that illuminate how to harness our innate human strengths and cultural richness to conquer the global stage.

Aleksandra Golodyaeva, Global Program Manager - Google UK